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Presley's Pals
We'd like to highlight different kids each month under "Presley's Pals".  Send me a picture and a paragraph on your favorite little one and their story will be there for all to read and learn from.  Send your story of your kids, niece, nephew, brother, sister, grandkids - anyone - with or without different abilities!  I look forward to hearing about your loved ones and sharing their story!

My name is Emma and I was born on September 10, 2007. My mommy says my birth was the most wonderful experience because even though I weighed over 9 pounds, she still didn't need any drugs (unlike the births of my older siblings). She didn't know for sure that I would have designer genes, but she and daddy had done some research and felt somewhat prepared for my arrival. My daddy was awesome and danced with me a few minutes after I was born. I have a wonderful extended family that loves me very much, but sometimes I am the cause of disputes because they all want to hold me. I turned one last month and my favorite things to do are to nurse, play with my brother, and smile at the ones I love. I have worked hard this year, learning to crawl, stand up on furniture, and take small sideways steps. Soon I'll be climbing up the out mom!

Hello, my name is McKayla Renee, I was born almost 6 weeks early on December 5, 2006. Just like my pal Presley, I was born with the designer gene.  I have gotten to know the staff at the Dell Children's Hospital of Central Texas very well, I spent a lot of time there right after I was born and in 2007, but I am doing much better now.  All the doctors, nurses and therapists have done a very good job making me all better!  I love to smile, laugh and play, especially with my Grandmommy.   I am currently working on sitting up all by myself and crawling, it's hard work but I am trying as best as I can!  My mommy tells me everyday how blessed she is to have me in her life, that God does not make mistakes and that she loves me exactly as God created me, perfect in every way.
My name is Julia Rose Hunolt.  I was born on August 12, 2006.  My parents found out almost immediately that I have Down Syndrome.  I was only 3lbs when I was born, so I am a little behind in size, but that is it.  I started rolling from my stomach to my back at 8 weeks old, I am getting really good at holding my head up, and I love to smile at my grandma when she comes over and scoops me up!  I can't wait until I can run around with my big sister, Kaidy.  She is 4 years old and my biggest inspiration!  Look out world, I am coming!

My name is Rustin I was born 2-24-06 my parents didnt know I would be born extra special.  They found out shortly after my birth I had an extra chromosome.  I have lots of siblings.  Jeremy 17,Kiersten 17,Tanner 15, and Tyler 12.  I am easy going and very Happy.  I have 2 teeth, am working on sitting up, crawling, and standing.  Hope to play together soon.

Hi, my name is Alexis Nicole, I was born on Feb 15, 2006!  Like Presley, I also have an extra 21st chromosome.  I have two older sisters, Raquel 16, and Amanda 13, and a lot of aunts and uncles that love me so much!  I live in El Paso, Tx!

Hi Everyone!  My name is Olivia and I am Presley's neighbor.  I love being friends with Presley - we are going to have so much fun growing up together!  We are going to tell each other secrets, share clothes, and have sleep overs!  Mommy says that it's important to have a best friend - I'm so lucky that my best friend lives right next door!

Meet the Martinez Family

Hello Family & Friends!  We are the Martinez family; Stefanie, Mike and our lovable Cockapoo, Boogie.  Mike and I are the proud aunt and uncle of our beautiful niece, Christina. 

My husband Mike and I live in Austin and have been married for 6 years, but have been together for 10 years, WOW time just goes by so fast.  We enjoy the outdoors, live country music, dancing and traveling, especially by car being able to enjoy all the natural beauty of the many states. 

An angel came into our lives 9 years ago and here is where the story begins:

I was blessed to have my niece Christina walk me down the aisle when we got married.  A very special memory Michael and I will never forget and hold dear to our hearts.  My husband works at Samsung Austin Semiconductor.  After I worked for Texas A&M University for 10 years I decided to go with my heart and passion and became involved with the Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas. I now volunteer full time for the Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas for the Fundraising committee for the last three years and became on the board as Fundraising Chair last year.  My husband, Mike is also involved in planning and helping with many DSACT events as well including the Buddy Walk and the Dash for Downs.

Ever since my niece, Christina was born, I knew that I wanted to change my career path and work with an organization that is committed to helping her and all others with Down syndrome.  I am very involved in Christina's life and one of her biggest advocates, especially at school.  I attend all ARD meetings at her elementary and I hope to be paving a positive path for inclusion for all the children that follow after her. 

Christina is 10 years old and is fully included in a 4th grade class and has been fully included since she was in Preschool.  We have been fortunate to have her in a school district, Pflugerville ISD; that has a team of educators that are dedicated to helping Christina develop to her fullest and being included.  Inclusion has been a very positive experience for Christina and for all her teachers and her classmates. Christina has learned from them and she has taught others many things along the way.  She has participated in Special Olympics for the last 2 years and we share the joy with her on the sports that she is involved in. 

Christina has reminded us about all of the really important things in life and has a bright and wonderful future ahead of her!  She has accomplished so many amazing things and we are so proud of her.  She is an excellent reader, a beautiful dancer at her dance recitals and does some awesome moves in her gymnastics class - You should see her on the uneven bars! And can recite many of her favorite songs from her favorite movies, Annie, Lion King and Cinderella. Christina has also been chosen twice to participate in the National Down Syndrome Society Time Square Video in New York City, which was an awesome experience - our entire family traveled twice to attend. She just got chosen again this year 2006 for the Time Square Video as well. She brings a smile to our hearts each day.  Her family, friends and teachers are so proud of her.  She is the sunshine of our lives and we are so proud of her accomplishments.  Christina is absolutely an AMAZING little girl!  She is smart, funny and full of love and compassion.  We love her so very much!

Thank you for sharing in my life and I hope to meet each of you someday to share in yours.

I welcome you to join me in making a difference.  The DSACT Fundraising Committee has so many great activities coming up in 2006; Dash for Downs in March, Share the Passion 2007 Calendar and our largest fundraiser; the Buddy Walk in October.  If you are interested in volunteering and joining me in any of these fundraising efforts please contact me at 716-1561 or  I know together we can make a difference and make steps for a brighter tomorrow! 

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Stefanie Martinez

UPSIDE OF DOWN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Our Federal Tax ID is: 20-585-2029

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